jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Work Your 25DollarLegacy Program with TOPTEAMGOLD

Launched Worldwide on April 26th, 2016


Never work alone again!

With the TopTeamGold team build you have the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to finally make money online... with all the support from our leaders and team members.

Our main program is 25DOLLARLEGACY launched on April 27th, 2016. So you are joining a brand new program that promised to give you a way for your WEALTHY retirement.

You are invited to do is join our Facebook Group here. Then follow the simple instructions on to join the 25DOLLARLEGACY program. You will be guided on how to pay your $25 fee (using Payza or Credit/Debit card).

With only 2 direct referrals in YOUR team you earn $30.... 
enough to cover your monthly fee... and from here everything else is pure profits.

How Much Can I Make With The 25DollarLegacy Program

Well, this program has 3 different matrices and you can participate in all three or just one or two of them. The best part? You can upgrade using your earnings. The program is giving you the opportunity to make more that $35,000 per month PLUS $10 for every personal referral!

3x3 Matrix ($25 per Month)
You earn $5 for each position filled.
Level 1 - You Earn $15.
Level 2 - You earn $45.
Level 3 - You earn $135.
Total earnings is $195 per month.

5x3 Matrix ($65 per Month)
You earn $15 for each position filled.
Level 1 - You Earn $75.
Level 2 - You earn $375.
Level 3 - You earn $1875.
Total earnings is $2325 per month.

10x3 Matrix ($100 per Month)
You earn $30 for each position filled.
Level 1 - You Earn $300.
Level 2 - You earn $3000.
Level 3 - You earn $30,000.

Total earnings is $33,300 per month.

Just clik here to watch the short video (5:37 minutes) where the compensation plan is explained, along with the benefits you get as soon as you become a paid member. The tools alone are worth several times your monthy subscription.

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